Sketch Preface: Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV

Bishop CA,

September 21, 2017

University of Cambridge

Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm Part IV

Would You Know How To Create A Government?

A generation or over thirty years has transpired since the advent of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization on June 17, 1987. It is now the beginning of Autumn, September 2017. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria have hit Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and other areas in the Caribbean. A major 7.1 magnitude earthquake has struck Mexico with about 250 dead.

Our discussion over the Fall of the Anglo American Paradigm is more focused and direct then it was 30 years past. Under conditions of nearly complete Censorship and Sanitization MOEC Studies has provided unique insights into how humans socialize and form governments.

The political philosophy axiom, Would You Know How to Create a Government? has been fashioned into a Tournament.

We consider the familiar models.

Paradigm of Laws

1. Eternal Law

2. Natural Law

3. Positive Law

At this point in time it is clear in the particular that we are dealing with a conflict between LGBTi Homosexuality and Opposite Sex Heterosexuality.

The tabula rasa or the concept that the mind is a blank page on which to write upon as Mao has proffered is important. In this consideration a social engineer, author, or computer programmer has a blank text or template to begin a record or Artifact of information that is retrievable at a future date. The agent of either party of the conflict may choose to propose that his or her work has a relationship or nexus to one or all of the three laws supra.

The concept of Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity must be discussed. I am presenting an analysis that discourses the epigenisis of MOEC's Manifest Function since June 17, 1987. I am considering that there is an Eternal Law that is the source of Natural and Positive Law. I believe the Vatican and Iran are the closest examples of this system of theocracy.

It is possible to argue a Mechanistic and Organic Solidarity for those persons whom are atheistic and believe that matter is primary and materialism is the basis for our existence.

In our consideration we are examining the source and creation of human achievements and failures to measure their effects on the equilibrium of the individual and collective.

In simplicity, I am fighting a despotism that I argue has a Proximate Cause sine qua non in the University of Cambridge. It appears that these actors developed or finalized MOEC about 1930. These persons most likely would be dead by 1970. It is argued that MOEC is the mechanism that expands and contracts the British Empire. This is facilitated by informant operating through every police stationhouse worldwide. It has been claimed that this mechanism set fire to the Congress in the War of 1812. MOEC is a Scripted blunder that was a response to the Schlieffen Plan of the Germany circa 1880.

Hence the Membership of MOEC has developed a Prisoners Dilemma defection model that is LGBTi biased and imposed such over the human race.

MOEC Studies
