Myth of the Contemporary Man PTI Notes
I have recently rediscovered some basic notes I had made that are more compact then reading the entire text. These notes are also highly instructive.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Chapter 1
This component is the method used by Cambridge Law School, United Kingdom to assemble a morphology of MOEC. The analogy is to codons to complete the systematic artificial base (PHJ).
Research into Fromm reveals the pages of his book where material was developed. This predisposes that Cambridge was aware and helped direct his work or added his material to MOEC taking credit or both ex posteriori.
The psychoanalysis position postulating male as science and female as nature are heard in MOEC entrapments are reversed at times; a definite trap. This arises from the relativistic line ex duex maquina. I am documenting the point here and proceeding with Fromm’s line. Fromm defines religion, Mother Nature, and purity as matriarchal or Electra. Logic, science, and rationalism are patriarchal or Oedipal.
A further discussion of Parameters reveals such as a container, this being mother nature. The natural environment is parallelist with theism. As pure scientific determinism this component could only exist as nature. The challenge from the Reductionist Room develops the Oedipal – Electra Complex to the morphology of MOEC. Contained within are theories and concepts of free will.
The challenge to mind, reason, and knowledge form support for the events writ large matizing in trajectorial conflicting eternities as lines of authority that negate each other ex posteriori.
The idea of a hymen constructing a body of an entity is not biological across the female uterus. The hymen is a type of hygienic system and preserves virginity to a certain extent.
The chemical warfare of Lycurgus is known as the British Bulldog. The media censorship also has a code name, Return of the Jackal.
Chapter 2
The psychological profile of a future researcher has been created that is supposedly skilled to retrieve the evidence for posterity’s sake. This professor is no better than a professor choosing the lesser of the two evils of constitutional or moral acts. Here the otherwise legitimate objective act of investigation becomes more than the legislation of fear; indeed it emerges as a whitewash and ostracisation paradigm.
David Valeski, a Delaware State Police paramedic, Darrel Gravatt, a schoolteacher and myself all figure prominent in a tryad formed in our youth and now radiated.
The battery in recapitulation postulates figures as Washington, Lenin, or Stalin placed over the two lawyers. During the actual delivery two Rap artists had their murders predicted that radiated from this model. Here is an analogy of the codons explained in the preface and the morphology of MOEC. The runner in the Marathon of Greek mythology followed.
The hiearchialization of the wrecking leaves law enforcement as the logical choice for counter-mobilization. A caricature of a Jewish professor is used. It is a complex of national security and similar ideas for the State of Israel. As all personality profiles it is a conditioning model based on stunted qualities of development in the juvenile years. The work of Piaget and Erickson are integral in this area. Pre-operational behavior and maturity are dysfunctional in differentiation in all profiles.The verses of the Christian Bible dealing with Jesus having no place to lay his head were argued as a support for Lycurgus. This is the stated intent of the designers. The boundary locations are the world’s population 0 out of six billion without being homeless, a utopic proposition.
The origin of the illegal blacklist of homeless person’s is a human rights crime in support of an act of war. This is the correct discussion. (The evolution of this position has antecedent in the Christian Bible where it warns of Judgment (Jesus has no place to lay his head.)
The tacit reconciliation of this event is low-level chemical warfare. Here there is a relation to revelation and the burning of incense. During the unfolding of the sulfuric acid mixtures persons are revealed the Mobilization. During normal activities the planning is withheld. This aspect is known as the British Bulldog, the UK’s special tacit chemical warfare plan.
The codename for Stalin is Pooh, Winnie the Pooh. There is a relation to Pooh Corner in the children’s section in many libraries.
The materialist argument in corollary posits the Reduction Room as a zygote to create. The Hand would be the sperm and The Little One, egg. These lawyers are one and two. The analogy here accounts for the vulgar spraying of human and bull semen over everything. This activity as all eternal perspectives is imposed over one by a third legislator. The persons who come into contact with the materials are then orchestrated informants who are mainly The Hand or male.
The Reductionist Room is similar to a state in the Big Bang Universe theory where all materials are located in some central point for materials are located in some central point for millions of years before a cataclysmic explosion that begins the morphology of the universe.
A small police department of ten persons is archetypical. A policeman who deserves recognition is targeted. In this individual’s estimation the correct amount of credit is never given him.
I. Sovereign Citizen- Organic Model
A. Public management in complex systems
B. Prisoner’s dilemma – defection
C. John Doe entrapment with third party conflict
D. Distributes constitutional constructs
E. Descends from deity - EWS
II. Disinformation
A. Disinformation – False principles
B. Schism, apostates from new religion sects
III. Circular Folly
A. Defense of MOEC as unseen controller
Chapter 3
September 16, 2001 - I arrived in Dover, DE September 9, 2001. On September 11, 2001, four-passenger planes were hijacked and piloted into the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and Somerset Co., PA and thus attacked the United States. The bodies from the Pentagon site are here in Delaware. Similarly the bodies of the U.S.S. Cole were sent to Dover AFB in the last year. I argue that this event known as Akbar is 100% linked to the recent terrorist attacks.
September 11, 2001 may be rendered as 9-11-01; hence the emergency number for the police or fire department. To date Misc.99-100 and 99-101 are awaiting final orders in the Eastern District for CA (Fresno).
On August 27, 2001 I was in Fort Bragg, Mendocino CA. The situation here is one of the worst from a human rights perspective in the history of the United States. I filed a criminal complaint against the Mendocino Co. Sheriff, District Attorney, and agents et al. The latter would include a total cross section that would be representative of the entire county.
Without any cognition of other events, I attempted to file a complaint regarding slander, obstruction of justice, and false imprisonment. I discussed this issue with Lt. Miller of the Mendocino Sheriff Department. He stated that my claims did not rise to the level of a claim. I then had to walk across the hall where I presented the claim to the D.A.’s office. I had to write in N. Vroman on the defendant’s side of the cover sheet. The D.A. will review the issue without a formal record.
The substance is one, I am awaiting the final orders in two federal lawsuit's and while awaiting such I am still being alienated from my state rights. This is effected by isolating my person and proclaiming that I am a homosexual, bisexual, or transgender. In the previous years, although I do not vote, I worked very hard to ban civil unions and gay marriage. I do not support gay adoption in support of species life. The US federal court upheld the right to dissent from these issues as a private matter although they may be a protected right for the collective.
All these acts are malicious and frivolous. I do not cave in to the blackmail and extortion used by LAPD and their agents to facilitate torture. (Currently in 2004 Chief William Bratton is culpable for his department’s disgrace).
In the afternoon as I was presenting the complaint, a drug lab was allegedly being set fire to by the chemist or cooks. The resulting fire in Ukiah caused two fire air tankers to collide in mid air. Both pilots were killed. In addition to the fire that is deemed responsible for the crash the general anarchy and sulfuric air mixture surrounding me must also be figured.
Due to reasons of health, I dropped school and took a Greyhound bus eastwards on September 7th. I arrived in Dover on September 9th. As stated what was originally part I of this paper was in my Army duffel bag. The last that I saw of the bag was in Chicago at the bus terminal.
Somewhere during the 8th-10th of the month I awoke and began to listen to National Public Radio. There was a piece on censorship is Singapore. It appears that this city-state and Islamic nation censors music out of fear of national security versus corrupt morals. I remembered from an earlier TV broadcast that I have seen that Singapore boasts the world’s tallest buildings in two Islamic inspired office towers. An Islamic heavy metal group named Coffin Cancer was not yet censored and had recorded their version of Bob Marley’s Get Up, Stand Up and had been interviewed.
The next day or so The Early Show on TV was interrupted. I was able to witness the crash of a jetliner into Building #2 of the World Trade Center live.
As is noted this manuscript is the discovery of a conspiratol act, also to be noted is it's classification of a system and it's name, MOEC. I argue that the events regarding David Nollmeyer and the World Trade Center are related. There is in my opinion a common authorship and abettor. This is Cambridge University and the United Kingdom. The analysis argues higher structural levels of cognition. Hence, the terrorist cells may be in fact against MOEC, but do not realize their acts are scripted and abetted by a de facto intelligence system. Hence the terrorists are furthering an agenda with different mission goals or ends. This is also a problem of multilateralism. As dependent and lower level agents they are subject to de facto and de jure elimination.
To review, the original Myth of the Contemporary Man was started in Glenwood, NM in about March of 1999. The writ of certiorari of Cv-98-7015 was denied on January 19, 1999. President Clinton was impeached and the Microsoft antimonopoly suit was begun nearly concurrently.
September 20, 2001- President Bush has addressed the congress at 9:00 pm eastern time. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is 8300. The NASDAQ is 1400. The week is shaping up as the worst crash since the Great Depression. Sector investing as airlines and tourism are being disintegrated.
In recapitulation, I read my response of the Organization of American States (OAS) Commission on Human Rights In re: Cv- 99-7018 writ of certiorari denied. I am held under very severe electronic surveillance. Everything I say at times may be heard live on television. All the major media as ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN are inclusive. After the speech a popular TV show Big Brother TV was broadcasted.
September 21, 2001- The stock market continues to fall. The concept of autarky becomes more prominent as the US coalition prepares for a confrontation with the Taliban in Afghanistan. The subject is the extradition of Osama bin Laden.
I am personally surprised at how soft the economy is. Over 1 trillion dollars in paper value was destroyed in one week.
During the writing of the previous introduction the reintroduction of wolves into the Arizona and New Mexico border and Carlsbad area was being attempted. I propose that this was planned earlier and is synchronic. Arizona State Highway 666 runs through the Greenbelt where the former attempt is being made.
Respondent conditioning is the normal interaction that the living entity has under normal conditions within one’s environment. The entity in a subconscious manner is automatically conditioned over time by undertaken a normative pattern of activity. Operant behavior is achieved by a stimulus-reward- punishment schema achieved by the placement of the stimulus and consequent reward or punishment after completing a behavior. Reinforcement over time is used to develop the equilibrium of mental state and linkage to the external world.
Positive reinforcement is increasing the frequency of a behavior by rewarding with consequences the organism wishes to obtain. Negative reinforcement is increasing the frequency of a behavior by removing a stimulus the organism wishes to avoid.
Positive punishment is decreasing the frequency of a behavior by offering a consequence wishes to obtain. Negative punishment is decreasing the frequency of a behavior by the unpairing a consequence the organism wishes to avoid.
Theories of behaviorism generally argue objects and contingencies external to the entity. Consequently there is a controller that shape model and develop the individual object-sensation-mind.
In reduction marijuana is presented to the individual with the intent that such will have the same value as food. In a life threatening disaster water is the need for humans (oxygen is being taken as a given). Humans may survive only 7 days without water. It is possible to survive 14 to 30 days with water and no food.
Offspring Siblings
The dyadic model would only be the mother and immediate offspring. These two configurations are a parenting or learning concept. In addition to genetics the parent or mother in this either verbally or behavioristically imparts the information of the model to the child. The siblings in this model also impart knowledge. The arrows show the bi-directionality of the process.
This activity also must occur in a territoriality. This particular environ has been imposed over and extends from Delaware to Alachua, FL to Perhaps Lassen, CA. Technically this will involve most of Kent County, DE, New Ramen Reti, FL, and most of Northern CA.
The short to long-term mission goals are:
1. Advancement of the Homosexual - Bisexual - Transgender rights
2. Liberalism - Secular Humanism - Multicultural Diversity (Scientific Determinism)
3. Advancement of the Democratic Party (Social Democratic and Labor Democrats)
4. Decriminalization and legalization of drugs
5. Sanitization of law enforcement: A culture of impunity
Another component that is of extreme importance is that of Anti-Social Personality Disorder. This diagnostic is taken from the Diagnostic Statistical Manual or DSM. This profile defines two types of individuals. One is the world-class sociopath as a Hitler or other genocidal figure. The other is the untalented petty criminal who is a life-long failure. The work of Robert Hare who is noted for his research into psychopathology is a focal point or aperture in to the profiling used to condition and create a dysfunctional person in society.
The DSM lists five criteria for diagnosis:
1. History of legal or socially disapproved activity continuing into adulthood
2. Failure to show constancy and responsibility in work, sexual relationships, parenthood, and financial obligation
3. Irritability and aggressiveness
4. Reckless and impulsive behavior
5. Disrespect for the truth
Emilie Durkheim has a theory of collective suicide, which is presented as:
1. Altruistic
2. Fatalistic
3. Egoistic
4. Anomie
One and three are related as are number two and four. MOEC is patently fatalistic and anomic. Fatalistic describes a person who is overtly managed, as the cult members of Jonestown by Jim Jones. Anomie describes one who is lacking in norms. Classic examples are those who die debauched after heavy drug use, alcohol use or other destructive lifestyle.
Chapter 4
Personally I have found the alienation and censorship dehumanizing. I am not use to such but am being conditioned to it's widespread prevalence. Another important concept that is driving this event is deindividuation or losing one’s identity to the crowd or group. What is unique about the term dehumanization is that The Fly or leader of LAPD is attempting to manipulate the term to only mean that persons who are gay or bisexual can be the victims not the oppressors. This prima facie is false.
Chapter 5
The theater in the zeitgeist is quite pronounced. On September 5, 2009 I emailed a complaint to the FBI regarding Barack Obama and Chief William Bratton of LAPD. Chief Bratton announced his retirement this day. On September 3, 2009 I emailed another complaint to the FBI regarding Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Holon 10
Refutation of Gay Triumphalism
I. Cambridge Law School - Oxford Oxbridge
A. It is likely that MOEC was designed by Cambridge Law School.
1. Trinity College or a philosophy department had more expertise in classical tyranny. This was derived from Greek an Roman city states and empire.
2. Cambridge was not the innovator of Gay Rights. The school in this instance adopts this posture in the 1930s.
B. Gay Triumphalism has antecedents in Platonism or the Greek and Roman Deities. This can be treated as Historical Monarchialism. Hence a faith not a myth.
1. A parallel treatment is Mechanism.
2. Reduce all analysis to matter and secular humanism.
II. Gay Irrationalism - Gay Nothing - Pre Gay Fascism
A. State Planning and eugenics by de facto or criminal processes and structures.
1. This runs parallel to real Gay Rights Movement degrading it.
2. Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth tagged to Gay Triumphalism.
B. Gay Triumphalism
1. Gay Culture
a. Celebratory of LGBTi lifestyle.
b. No significant difference from heterosexual lifestyle. More hedonistic, liberal, secular, artistic.
2. Gay Marriage
a. Legal same-sex marriage
b. This may mean marrying into a LGBTi family by a heterosexual.
C. Gay Placement
1. Overwhelming concern with who is more gay. More same sex behavior.
2. Inferiority complex in males of white European descent. A desire to place Asians, Latinos ahead.
D. Gay Majors
1. This is particularly centered around UC Berkeley with a planned Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth.
2. Being a LGBTi college student.
3. This includes the teaching of the history of MOEC and the Scorched Earth - Chemical Assault.
E. Gay Miracle
1. Eventually coming out gay late in one’s life.
2. Extending the attempt to expand Gay Triumphalism.
III. Holon 10
A. This completes a system of 10 Holons that develop the prisoner’s dilemma defection model.
1. The intent was to develop a LGBTi victim to cover the event.
2. This has failed. The model and the component of Gay Triumphalism is being refuted.
B. Legal and Civil Means to Prosecute Principals and Co- Principals.
1. RICO Structure
On April 20, a major oilspill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico. British Petroleum is responsible. 5000 barrels of oil are presumed to be entering the Gulf every day. A containment structure is now being lowered over the damaged pipe to funnel the oil to a barge on the surface.
I arrived in Big Pine, California on April 21 on my way towards Mt. Shasta. I believe it is possible that a Dust Bowl could be forming in the western United States. Myth of the Contemporary Man is scheduled for completion in July, 2010.
It is now June 11, the Gulf of Mexico Oilspill has now been estimated to be 25,000 to 40,000 barrels per day up from the original 5000 per day estimate. President Barack Obama is damaged. The oil has hit Louisiana from the Mississippi River Delta across towards Panama City, Florida. I arrived in Westwood four weeks ago. The weather was cold and it can and has snowed. I have very mild frostbite. At least 20 persons at this time have been killed in a flashflood in Arkansas. A young 16 year old California sailor is awaiting rescue in the Indian Ocean after attempting a world record. I have been losing my confidence, but I am sure that waiting out the weather is the correct decision now.
To return Barack Obama is not making good choices. He has called British Petroleum (BP) CEO Tony Hayward a "recurring environmental criminal". He has also made statements stating that the Taliban are "on the wrong side of history". Obama should apply his philosophy first to himself and then to others. He states that he is a Christian but this is not part of his persona. Obama has also discussed leaders who attack their own citizens in his acceptance lecture for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. I wish I had been more rigorous in quoting the presidents but this will be easy for children to do in the present and future.
This material world is the perverted reflection of the spiritual world; it is just like the reflection of a tree on the bank of a reservoir of water: the topmost part of the tree is seen as the lowest part. Similarly, parakiya-rasa, when pervertedly reflected in this material world, is abominable. When people, therefore, imitate the rasa dance of Krsna with the gopis, they simply enjoy the perverted, abominable reflection of the transcendental parakiya-rasa. There is no possibility of enjoying this transcendental parakiya-rasa within the material world. It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that one should not imitate this parakiya-rasa even in dream or imagination. Those who do so drink the most deadly poison.
Chapter 14: The Ecstasy of the Lord and His Devotees
100 Years of Solitude
The novel chronicles the seven generations of the Buendía family in the town of Macondo. The family patriarch and founder of Macondo, José Arcadio Buendía, and his wife (and first cousin), Úrsula, leave their home in Riohacha, Colombia in hopes of finding a new home. One night on their journey while camping on the banks of a river, José Arcadio Buendía dreams of a city of mirrors named Macondo. Upon awakening, José Arcadio Buendía decides to found this city on the site of their campground. After wandering aimlessly in the jungle for many days, the founding of Macondo can be seen as the founding of Utopia. José Arcadio Buendía believes it to be surrounded by water, and from this 'island' he invents the world according to him, naming things at will. Macondo soon becomes a town frequented by unusual and extraordinary events. All the events revolve around the many generations of the Buendía family, who are either unable or unwilling to escape periodic, mostly self-inflicted misfortunes. Ultimately, Macondo is destroyed by a terrible hurricane, which symbolizes the cyclical turmoil inherent in Macondo. At the end of the book one of the Buendía male descendants finally cracks a cipher that the males in his family had been trying to solve for generation. The cipher stated all the events that the Buendía family had gone through. Note that this information was available at the beginning of time, and in possession of the Buendía family, before Macondo was even thought of, just indecipherable.
The capping of the presentation in bearing fruit. San Francisco is packed with candidates who are sworn officials and are campaigning for higher office statewide in 2010. Kamala Harris will be 46 this year. She is the current District Attorney for San Francisco. She has a very impressive record for the LGBTi platform. She has graduated from University of California with a juris doctorate from Hastings Law School of Howard. She is running for California Attorney General. She is challenging Steve Cooley of Los Angeles.
Harris is the daughter of a Tamil breast surgeon, Dr. Shyamala Gopalan and a Jamaican professor of economics at Stanford Donald Harris.
Gavin Newsome, the present Mayor of San Francisco since 2003, is another target for criminal prosecution. He currently is running for Lieutenant Governor of California. He has championed same sex marriage in San Francisco vigorously. After 36 days in office he granted same-sex marriage. Overall Newsome has been a member of the Board of Supervisors three times from 1998-2002. He won his first mayoral campaign on November 6, 2003.
Gavin Newsome is clearly because of his age is one the most likely sworn official to face criminal charges because of negligent and de facto acts during the Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth that has been imposed over me. Newsome clearly again is another victim of the LGBTi militancy.
Newsome is campaigning against incumbent Abel Maldonado. The 33rd State District contains all of San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara where I have been a resident. Both areas are heavily despoiled and have bad records on stalking. At 42 years of age Maldonado is also one of the most likely sworn officials to be prosecuted.
The current zeitgeist July 20, 2010 presents President Barack Obama attempting to get closer to capping the Macondo Oilspill. His accusations posits that BP is incompetent. Obama has not stopped a Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth of which he knew of as a senator and as a president in this country that easily extends worldwide. He is clearly duplicit. There is a containment cap in place with some leakage. If there is an upper level blowout of the well a 200 foot tsunami may be generated and enough methane released to cause a mass extinction of life.
Obama does not appear competent or honest. He is continually has subjected life to risks to sustain his and others ill gotten careers. A closing of texture is in place. I am more concerned with direct prosecution of sworn officials as natural persons than systematizing this study.
Today is August 2, 2010 and the time has come to finish Myth of the Contemporary Man. Any current papers as Storyboard and an Abnormal Psychology paper based on LAPD’s emergence as Gay Militants and their irrational behavior which is aimed at Governor Schwarzenegger is better served in separate works.
Currently today is the 33rd anniversary of my conversion to Krishna Consciousness. I have also spent my entire life as a heterosexual with zero same sex behaviors. In this sense I am pure. I am not fanatical about this but at every birthday I am more aware of my role in the heterosexual platform. I am persecuted under 24/7 electronic surveillance during a very severe Chemical Assault - Scorched Earth. All the lakes here in Lassen and Plumas counties and beyond are contaminated. I may be the most stalked person in the history of the world. Having five United States presidents condone the attack clearly defines this issue
The texture is closed now as Myth of the Contemporary Man confirms my identity as an ordinary independent ritvik bhakta in the Gaudiya Sampradaya. This is simply the Hare Krishna Movement and there are several forma angas or branches. I will fight for criminal prosecution within United States Federal Rules for those sworn officials under it’s jurisdiction and will prefer to use the Convention Against Torture if other litigants are subject to it or other international law instruments under the United Nations.
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