Open Letter: Juan Vargas CA 51
Dear Rep. Juan Vargas,
Juan Vargas CA 51
100 Years of Solitude
The 51st Congressional District is once again the setting for one of the most inglorious acts of human rights abuse. The Salton Sea is once again a brutal Chemical Assault Scorched Earth site.Barack Obama won the 2008 and 2012 Presidential Elections while the inland seas was contaminated. He took the Presidential Oath the following year under the same conditions.
President Donald Trump, not to be outdone has committed the same folly winning the Presidential Election in 2016 and taking oath in 2017.
In review I am arguing that Cambridge Law School lead by a Membership of Gay MSM lawyers and theologians are responsible for this catastrophe. There is an acute polarity designed within between Homosexuality and Heterosexuality. Below is the Graphical User Interface that I have been presented.
Control | ||
Particular History | ||
Parameters | Maze | Consciousness |
Atomization | Ideal State - |
Mobilization of Empire and Civilization MOEC is the name of this operation. It is Cambridge planning that expands and contracts the British Empire. MOEC is imposed over only one person in it's entirety. I am the only person to have these components over my natural person and citizenship:
Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Biological Warfare
Chemical Warfare
Nuclear Warfare
The remainder of the world's population are fractals.
MOEC has two subsystems:
Lycurgus: Electronic Surveillance Stalking
Akbar: Nuclear events (I am arguing now that Biological and Chemical events are included.)
MOEC has a Strategic Mission of Gay Marriage. This attack is based on a Homosexual Qualification of Rights before the court. I am a heterosexual, and a so called Japanese American ritvik Hare Krishna terms I do not like but satisfy technical legal codes as the 14th and 8th Amendment and civil right standards.
MOEC is the United States Chernobyl and Fukushima. Hence we have a Tryad of events in Akbar. The Salton Sea was created by an engineering blunder in 1905. It may have to be eventually entombed in cement after being drained or have the sand underneath it buried or gradually dropped down to the bottom of the Ocean(?). The Salton Sea is the main evidence in a future War Crimes Tribunal perhaps in United States Federal Court. The wheat in fields will burn your hand but such is being sent to market. I have an extensive federal court docket of which I have told the Court of this dating back to the Salmon Rushdie Satanic Verses era.
There is a very advanced ecology and cartography at play. Individuals and collectives have to learn to adapt to these manmade catastrophes. Two are recognized. MOEC is not. Hence the name Syrinx, a siren song describing the doom of the world.
In 100 Years of Solitude two brothers attempt to develop Macondo, a City of Mirrors along a river in Brazil. Their conflicts emerge non reconcilable. As a result they plan the rise and fall of their family's destiny.
As seen Barack Obama, your person, and myself are the same age. You attended Harvard with Obama. Michael Zaragoza of Delaware, whom I attended Caesar Rodney High School also attended Harvard. He is now a licensed Medical Doctor, a urologist. I have passed only the 9th grade. I have 160 credits with 150 University of California transferable at GPA 3.42.
MOEC is a Cultural Singularity versus Technological Singularity. The current theme is Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity. This subject discusses humanity and their artifacts as metallurgy and their individual and class stratification effects.
Within this there is also a sibling cohort rivalry under an unseen father and mother figure.
The following is the Couple (engineering), similar to a steering wheel that will guide the Tryad of MOEC (Salton Sea), Chernobyl, and Fukushima in developing the Chord of Life or social fabric. There are a discreet but very large amount of events that are manmade acts of crime and are destructive as fentanyl, synthetic heroin. The modern word syringe derives from Syrinx.
Barack Obama is the Singularity Target
Bhakta David Nollmeyer is the Singularity Experiment
Just as Noah did before the Great Flood, I have been a Fair Warner. In statistics as in a simple non parametric Chai Square test, Will homosexuals perform as equal as heterosexuals. The null hypothesis will argue both groups performing equally at 50 percent each at perhaps a .03 alpha level. Then by percent 48.5 and 51.5 either group would support the null hypothesis. Under Origin if 100,000 persons 50,000 each group are tracked by having conditioning imposed over them from the PHJ and Parameters, under Control do these persons thrive and move through Maze with Consciousness, Rationality, and Behaviorism and develop an Ideal State (Varna Asrama is the Vedic social system) or degrade in Maze and become Atomized?
I did not develop MOEC which is a super variant of Prisoner's Dilemma. It is a Joe Virus. White males ages 50 to 54 are now committing suicide at double the rate of many advanced nationstates. This has a main correlation of only high school graduation.
If the police were tested at Algebra 3 which is the nation's recommended math proficiency for high school, the Gay Militia in LAPD that has destroyed the Salton Sea and guides the attack would be fired.
Thank you for your consideration.
Bhakta David Nollmeyer
Desert Shores CA
March 27, 2017
MOEC: Mobilization of Empire and Civilization
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