Open Letter to West Point
The Theater of War The Greek Gift of the God's Caveman Attack Dear West Point, Superintendent L. Caslen, Jr., Command Sergeant Major Timothy A. Guden, Chaplain (COL) Matthew Pawlikowski Superintendent L. Caslen CSM Major Timothy A. Guden On June 17, 1987 the United States entered the Manifest Function of Mobilization of Empire and Civilization or MOEC. This activity reflects the allegation that Cambridge Law School operates the processes that expand and contract the British Empire. I was in Dover, Delaware the date or 30 years one generation when this event began under then President Ronald Reagan. As seen MOEC has entrapped and severely damaged the posterity of the sworn officials whom it denotes as the Irrationalist Presidents: Ronald Reagan George HW Bush William Clinton George W Bush Barack Obama Donald Trump To understand events our solid Methodology permits us to analyze any object as a holon being processed within a System to obtain a solid analysis of any object at any leve...